
They say it when someone has had a rough day.

They say it when they’d love to say something rude instead.

They say it when talking about someone who’s just a plain mess.

They say it when they don’t know what else to say.

Down here, they just say it.  And, boy, does it catch on!  I found myself letting a “Well, bless her heart” slip all too soon after my arrival in the South. 

Let’s just say that “Well, bless her heart” was NOT what Beachboy said when he walked into our living room today and found me with a nail gun in my hand. 

Maybe he just doesn’t know that’s what people say down here, bless his heart. 

Nevertheless, he’s going to love it.  AND, I can’t wait to share the finished product.

Southerners' concepts of "snow days" always make me smile.

This weekend, I enjoyed a relaxing trip to the north Georgia mountains with several other ladies from church.  We were blessed with a dusting of snow flakes on Saturday morning which left me longing for a cozy home and my sewing machine.  So, tonight I saddled up to it and got to work on the slipcovers.

 After much debate and several trips to the fabric store, I settled on canvas drop cloths for the slipcovers.  To achieve the color and texture I desire, I’m bleaching the fabric. I think the fabric will achieve the lived-in, relaxed feeling I’m looking for in our home.  Plus, it reminds me a bit of my grandpa’s old canvas tent.
Imagine my delight when I happened upon a sale, snagging packs of 2 for $9.97 each!


To maximize my time and energy, IO’m utilizing the hems of the cloth for my slip covers.  Tonight, I started making the pleats.  Two full lengths of the cloth nearly covers the base of one chair.  All in all, I estimate it will take 1.5- 2 dropcloths per chair.  That’s a great price for a “new” chair!

The current debate: how high off the floor do I want the herm.  Currently, our chairs are open underneath, and it makes the room feel more spacious.  However, I don’t want the skirt to have a high-water look.  I’m torn.

Since we moved into our cottage, it has been a mess work in progress. The bathroom has been almost 3 years in the making.  The boxes have been unpacked, only to be repacked for our goal of listing the house.  In fact, many things never had a chance to be unpacked. (Personally, I think that means they should be taken immediately to GoodWill.)  We’ve been ridden with tools, boxes, and demolition debris.  Frankly, we’re exhausted.

My most nagging frustration is the living room.  It has had multiple (ugly) personalities since we moved in, a direct result of our not purchasing furniture specifically for the space since we knew we’d be moving. 

Here are just a few of those personalities.

After all those photos, it’s hard to believe so many phases, including our current one, have been left out. Whew! Just looking at it makes me tired!

You see, we purchased our current living room furniture when our local Norwalk closed.  BeachBoy picked it out, and how could I tell him no? Nevertheless, it’s too formal, too froo froo, and too blue. And, it’s nothing at all like the living room I dream of creating in our home. 

from: house to home

I know what you’re thinking. That looks NOTHING like her living room. You’re right.  I should’ve spoken up while we were looking at furniture, but I didn’t.  However, as a huge fan of slipcovers, I think I can salvage the room with a temporary fix.

I’ve decided the chairs can’t be saved, though I can modify them enough for a short term fix.  BUT, the Candice Olsen sofa really does have good lines.  Plus, it’s comfortable. As much as I’d love a more relaxed shape, I’m willing to make it worth.

BeachBoy has already agreed to inherit the chairs when he gets an office in the new house.  At that point, maybe we will get the chairs I love and will use them with our sofa. Until then, I’ll need three slipcovers.  Here is the long-term plan:

For reference, this is the plan for the dining room.  In the house plan we are considering building, the two rooms are open in one large space.

In imagining the shell, think large wall of windows, french doors, a stone fireplace with white cabinetry, aged pine floors finished with tung oil, and rough cut beams overhead.

It sounds nothing like our current house, right? Haha! Perhaps that’s why I love it. Really, though, it has taken 4 years to pin down something that combines BeachBoy’s many (varied)  design loves in a way that I, too, can love.

Step one: Start small

My big project in the month ahead will be to sew the slipcovers.  I think I’m going to start with the couch, not because it’s the largest (HA!) but because it has nice straight lines.  Then, I’ll move on to the chairs.  The hunt for the perfect fabric begins next weekend.

My big debate at the moment? Piping or no piping. In my inspiration picture, there is piping on only a few of the pillows.  However, they are throw pillow in style, whereas mine are not.  All the slipped couches I’ve ever seen, however, having piping.  Currently, our sofa does not have a piped edge.  I know.  This should not be a big deal.  But, as you’ve probably already discovered, I have trouble with commitment. Perhaps that’s because I’ve never attempted to do what I really want.